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11th Grade Science Fair Project

     In 11th grade Biology I created one of my best sicence fair projects at my time at ACLC. My project was choisen to compete at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair where I earned second place for my secound year in a role. The purpose of my project was to determine how adding oil into a closed environment and the subsequent application of oil absorbing polymer affect the survival of Daphnia magna? What I discovered was that the adding of the oil absobing polymer to the oil contaminated water increased the number of deaths of the Daphnia magna. The Daphina seemed attracted to the polymer and moved to the surface of the thus  traping and killing them. It was also determinded that the polymer was unable to remove the toxins from the water thus also killing Daphina. In the end this project showed that the use of oil absorbing polymer is not a safe and effective way to clean oil spills with respect to planktonic crustaceans. This project showed my ablitlity to conduct scientific experiments and persent my findings to others.

Click on the arrow below to see a copy of segments of the project


Left Hand of Darkness Review

     Although this piece of writing is not the best writing at ACLC but it is the essay in which I am the most proud. This assignment was one of the most difficult writing prompts that I have had to deal with, the task was to write an approximately five page review on The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin and compare it to another form of media and make an argument using both pieces of work. At the beginning of the project I had no idea what I was going to do. In the end I decided to compare the Left Hand of Darkness to the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles directed by John Hughes to make the argument that to be true friends a person needs to accurately know the other person and their story. Making this argument using two completely separate piece of media, a science fiction novel based on another planet and a comedy about two random guys trying to get to Chicago was challenging. But in the end I got an average score of “5” based on the CSU EPT grading rubric (that rounded out to be a 92/100). A huge accomplishment seeing on how difficult the assignment was for me. This essay has shown that I am ready for college level writing.

Click on the arrow below to see a copy of the essay

Sociology paper

     I took a few classes at the College of Alameda one of these classes was Sociology 1a with professor Sandbeen Sandhu in the fall semester of 2013. In my sociology class we had to write a report on a sociological matter. I chose to write about serial killers and how they are able to hide in plain sight by using front/backstage behavior. The report include a literary review and a section for data and analysis.

Click on the arrow below to see a copy of the report

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